Configure LiteSpeed Cache Settings for WordPress (2024)




LiteSpeed Cache is one of the major optimization plugins for WordPress.

In this comprehensive guide, I'll cover everything you need to know about LiteSpeed Cache and the relevant settings that you should apply to your WordPress site to achieve the highest level of website optimization and PageSpeed Insights score.

Let's get started.

Configure LiteSpeed Cache Settings for WordPress (2024)

LiteSpeed Cache Plugin Intro

LiteSpeed Cache, also referred to as LSCache, is primarily a caching solution by LiteSpeed Technologies.

According to the docs, it's a highly customizable and more efficient alternative to Apache's mod_cache and Varnish Cache.

While commonly found in the context of WordPress CMS, it's also available for a variety of popular Content Management Systems like Magento or Drupal.

Using LiteSpeed Cache Without LiteSpeed Web Server

Note that the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin offers 2 feature sets - General Features and LiteSpeed Exclusive Features - the latter which require one of the dedicated LiteSpeed web servers.

Read more about this on the WP plugin page.

Furthermore, to use the cache settings of the LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin, your website must be running on one of the LiteSpeed servers or using CDN.

Read more about this on the official LSCWP documentation page.

Installing and Setting Up the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin for WordPress

Installing LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin.
Installing LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin.
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Before we see the recommended LiteSpeed Cache settings, we need to ensure the plugin is installed in the WordPress plugins section.

In your WordPress Plugins page, search for and install the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

After installing this plugin, enable LiteSpeed Cache by activating it.

Once you've completed the above steps, refer to the next section to begin configuring LiteSpeed Cache.

LiteSpeed Cache Settings for WordPress Plugin

Before we configure the LiteSpeed Cache settings, it's highly advised that you take a full backup of your WordPress website (including the files, database, and other related content) to prevent any issues that may be caused by the plugin optimization settings or changes.

For each setting below, I have mentioned the recommended choice (on - enabled or off - disabled). Some settings are marked with "custom" to indicate that these depend on your choice and/or other settings.

Settings with "default" option mean that the default settings of LS Cache are fine as-is.


Note that the current version of LSCache plugin at the time of writing this article is v6.0.0.1.


LiteSpeed Cache: Dashboard page.
LiteSpeed Cache: Dashboard page.
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The dashboard gives you an overview of the LSCache settings and status of various services like usage statistics.

There's nothing much to do here in terms of configuration.

It's a good idea to visit this page every once in a while, to ensure everything is set up and working as expected.


LiteSpeed Cache: Presets page.
LiteSpeed Cache: Presets page.
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The LiteSpeed Cache Standard Presets allow you to configure the plugin in one click.

This is ideal if you'd like to apply the official recommended settings without manually configuring them, or if you don't have the time to do so.

Personally, I recommend manually configuring the settings as every website and web host is different and may require customized tweaking of each setting.

However, you should consider using a preset if you believe that it meets your requirements.

While the Presets page gives you complete details of each, I've briefly summarized them below.


Use this preset to apply basic cache settings with a higher time to time-to-live (TTL) and enable browser cache.

This is a no risk preset that is ideal for simple and small websites where caching is a priority and asset optimization is not a concern.


It includes settings from the Essentials preset, in addition to image optimization and separate mobile cache.

This is a low risk preset that adds minimal optimizations to the site and requires a Domain Key to use it.

Advanced (Recommended)

It includes everything from the Basic preset, plus guest mode and various asset optimization, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts.

It is considered a recommended preset by the LiteSpeed team and should not cause any conflicts on websites.


It includes all the optimization settings from the Advanced preset, and additional asset optimizations like concatenation of CSS and JS, lazy loading inline frames (iframe), asynchronous and critical CSS loading, and more.

As the name suggests, this may introduce site-breaking changes.

You may need to tune some settings like excluding select CSS and JS files.


It includes every setting from the Aggressive preset, while further adding optimizations to images, JavaScript, and Cascading Style Sheets.

Notably, it lazily loads images, delays the execution of JS, concatenates or combines inline JavaScript and CSS, and generates viewport images.

As obvious it is, this might cause conflict on your website, so ensure thorough tests after enabling it.


The LiteSpeed Cache General Settings page allows you to configure some basic plugin settings, such as adding a Domain Key and enabling the Guest Mode.

General Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: General page > General Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: General page > General Settings tab.
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Automatically Upgrade: Off

Allows LiteSpeed Cache plugin to be updated automatically when a new version is released.

Ideally, keep this disabled to prevent unexpected bugs or errors caused by plugin updates.

Domain Key: Custom

Allows you to use services and its CDN. is an online optimization service for WordPress websites. It offers various features such as image optimization, critical CSS, low-quality image placeholders, and more.

If your WP site is already optimized and/or you're using other CDN and optimization services like Cloudflare, keep this disabled.

If you decide to use it, you must request a Domain Key (Request Domain Key button) and add it first.

Guest Mode: Off

Greatly improves the user's first visit load time and Lighthouse speed scores by serving a cached version of the page which is then updated via AJAX requests.

However, based on my experience on using it on different websites so far, it often causes issues such as the page not getting updated properly once the user has it loaded.

This is a risky setting to enable, and I'd advise reading more about it in the official documentation to understand its impact on the web server and more.

Enable it only if everything on your WP site is functioning and working as expected (form submissions, load more, pagination, etc.).

Guest Optimization: Off

This setting is related and a part of Guest Mode. Guest Mode must be enabled to use this setting.

It further optimizes WordPress web pages by applying the maximum level of page and image optimization settings when serving the default cached version of the page.

As with the Guest Mode above, this setting has possible impacts on the web server and website.

Only enable it if all the plugins and themes work fine on your WordPress website.

Server IP: Custom

Reduces DNS and CDN lookup time delays by directly calling the IP address instead of the domain name.

Add your website IP address in the input field next to the setting to enable it.

Notifications: Off

Shows plugin notifications such as new version releases, bug fixes, and more.

Enable it if you prefer to receive such notifications.


LiteSpeed Cache: General page > Tuning tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: General page > Tuning tab.
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This tab allows you to add user agents and IP addresses which you'd like to be treated as guest mode visitors.

Generally, the default settings are fine, and you don't need to change or update anything here.

Guest Mode User Agents: Default

A list of user agents, one per line, to be treated as guest mode visitors.

Guest Mode IPs: Default

A list of IP addresses, one per line, to be treated as guest mode visitors.


As mentioned above, the cache features on this page will not work if your website is not running on the LiteSpeed web server or using CDN.

Cache (Tab)

LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Cache tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Cache tab.
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The different range of settings on this tab allow you to configure high-level settings for page cache.

Enable Cache: On

Allows you to enable the full-page cache.

Cache Logged-in Users: Off

Allows private caching of pages for logged-in users.

Enable only if your website has several users logging in or if you run a membership type of website like forums.

Cache Commenters: Off

Allows private caching of commentators that have pending comments.

Enable only if users can comment on your website.

Cache REST API: On

Allows caching of WordPress REST API calls.

Cache Login Page: On

Allows caching of the WP login page (wp-admin).

Cache favicon.ico: On

Allows caching of the site icon (favicon) which is usually requested by the web browsers.

Cache PHP Resources: On

Allows caching of PHP resources used by some themes and plugins.

Cache Mobile: Off

Allows separate caching of the mobile version of the site in case it's different from the desktop version.

Enable only if your site has separate stylesheets or design for mobile devices.

If enabled, use the List of Mobile User Agents setting textbox to update the list of mobile user agents.

Private Cached URIs: Custom

Allows private caching of specified URLs.

Provide a list of URLs, one per line, to cache them as private.

Force Cache URIs: Custom

Allows force-caching of specified URLs regardless of the no-cache settings.

Provide a list of URLs, one per line, to forcibly cache them.

Force Public Cache URIs: Custom

Allows public force-caching of the specified URLs.

Provide a list of URLs, one per line, to forcibly cache them as public.

Drop Query String: Custom

Allows you to ignore certain query strings when caching.

Useful if you're using analytics or marketing scripts such as Google Analytics or Meta Pixel.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > TTL tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > TTL tab.
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The settings in this section allow you to specify time to live or TTL values for different types of cache and resources.

Out of the box, the default settings on this page are fine as-is.

Default Public Cache TTL: Default

Allows you to specify how long, in seconds, the public pages are cached.

Default Private Cache TTL: Default

Allows you to specify how long, in seconds, the private pages are cached.

Default Front Page TTL: Default

Allows you to specify how long, in seconds, the front page is cached.

Default Feed TTL: Default

Allows you to specify how long, in seconds, the feeds are cached.

If you specify a value less than 30, this setting will be disabled, and feeds will not be cached.

Default REST TTL: Default

Allows you to specify how long, in seconds, the WordPress RESTful API calls are cached.

If you specify a value less than 30, this setting will be disabled, and REST API calls will not be cached.

Default HTTP Status Code Page TTL: Default

Allows you to specify the cache, in seconds, for an HTTP status code page.

Provide a list of HTTP status codes (404, 500, etc.) and their cache TTLs separated by a space, one per line, to specify different cache time-to-live for them.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Purge tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Purge tab.
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This tab allows you to configure the purge settings when you purge the cache.

By default, you don't need to change any setting here.

Purge All On Upgrade: On

Automatically purges the site cache when any WordPress theme or plugin such as WooCommerce is updated.

Auto Purge Rules For Publish/Update: Default

Allows you to specify which type of pages are purged when using the Purge All On Upgrade setting.

Serve Stale: Off

Serves a stale copy of the cached page to the site visitors until a fresh cached copy is available.

This may serve an outdated version of the page or page with old content.

Scheduled Purge URLs: Custom

Allows you to specify URLs, one per line, which should automatically be purged based on a given time schedule (see below).

Scheduled Purge Time: Custom

Allows you to specify the purge time schedule if using the Scheduled Purge URLs above.

Purge All Hooks: Default

Executes a "purge all" action when any of the listed hooks are run by WordPress.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Excludes tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Excludes tab.
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This tab allows you to specify cache rules to be excluded from caching.

For most sites, you don't need to do anything here.

Do Not Cache URIs: Custom

A list of URLs, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache Query Strings: Custom

A list of query strings, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache Categories: Custom

A list of category names, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache Tags: Custom

A list of tag slugs, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache Cookies: Custom

A list of cookies, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache User Agents: Custom

A list of user agents, one per line, to exclude them from caching.

Do Not Cache Roles: Custom

Allows you to select which WordPress user roles to exclude from caching.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > ESI tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > ESI tab.
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This tab allows you to configure the ESI or Edge Side Includes settings.

I've personally never used this feature, so I can't recommend or suggest anything on this part.

The LiteSpeed Cache documentation page doesn't recommend using or modifying it unless you really need to. Read more about this.

Enable ESI: Off

Allows you to enable ESI.

Cache Admin Bar: Off

Allows you to enable caching of the built-in admin bar ESI block.

Cache Comment Form: Off

Allows you to enable caching of the built-in comment form ESI block.

ESI Nonces: Default

A list of nonces, one per line, to be converted to ESI automatically.

Vary Group: Default

Allows you to specify vary groups for user roles which cannot access certain public content on the site.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Object tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Object tab.
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This tab allows you to configure the Object cache for WordPress website.

Object Cache: On

Allows you to enable the Object cache.

Usually, the Status list will show Memcached Extension and Redis Extension (see below).

Method: Custom

Allows you to choose which cache method to use for your WP website if you've enabled the Object Cache setting.

Select whichever is available for your web server.

If your web server provides both, test and select whichever appears to be more efficient and faster.

Host: Default

Sets the hostname or IP address of the host.

The default is fine unless you need to change it.

Port: Default

Sets the default port.

The default port for Memcached is 11211, and the default port for Redis is 6379.

Default Object Lifetime: Default

Sets the default Object Cache TTL.

Username: Custom

Sets the username for the Object Cache connection.

Password: Custom

Sets the password for the Object Cache connection.

Redis Database ID: Custom

Sets the Redis database ID.

Global Groups: Default

Allows you to specify groups, one per line, that should be cached at the network level.

Do Not Cache Groups: Default

Allows you to specify groups, one per line, that should not be cached.

Persistent Connection: On

Allows you to enable keep-alive persistent connections to speed up cache operations.

Cache WP-Admin: On

Allows you to enable caching of WordPress admin dashboard (WP admin) to improve its speed.

Store Transients: On

Allows you to store WP transients in the database when the Cache WP-Admin setting is off.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Browser tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Browser tab.
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This tab allows you to enable and configure the TTL for browser cache.

Browser Cache: On

Allows you to enable the browser cache.

Browser cache stores static files such as CSS or JS locally in the user's browser.

This improves the page-load speed for repeated page visits.

Browser Cache TTL: Default

Sets the browser cache TTL.

The default value of 31557600 seconds (1 year) is generally recommended and fine.


LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Advanced tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Cache page > Advanced tab.
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The settings on this tab are meant for advanced users.

You generally don't need to do anything here, so you may leave them as-is.

Login Cookie: Default

Sets the default login cookie to determine if the user is logged in based on its existence.

Vary Cookies: Default

Sets the vary cookies such as third party vary cookies.

Improve HTTP/HTTPS Compatibility: Off

Improves the cache compatibility if your website is running in both HTTP and HTTPS.

Instant Click: Off

Allows preloading of the web page when the user hovers over its link.

This improves the page-load speed of the preloaded web page or link.


This page allows you to specify CDN settings for your site.

CDN Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > CDN Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > CDN Settings tab.
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On this tab, you can adjust various CDN settings. CDN: Custom

Allows you to enable the CDN if you're using it.

Use CDN Mapping: Custom

Sets the URL of the CDN in case you're using it.

For instance, if your CDN serves assets through assets.* subdomain, you'd use that subdomain or URL.

HTML Attribute To Replace: Default

Allows you to specify which HTML element attributes should be replaced with CDN mapping.

Original URLs: Default

Specifies the site URL that should be served through CDN.

Included Directories: Default

Allows you to specify which WordPress website directories should be pointed to the CDN.

Exclude Path: Default

Allows you to specify paths to be excluded from serving from the CDN.

Cloudflare API: Custom

Specifies Cloudflare API settings in case you're using it.

Global API Key / API Token: Custom

Sets the Cloudflare API token key.

Email Address: Custom

Sets the Cloudflare account email address.

It's optional if you've already set the Cloudflare API in the Global API Key / API Token setting.

Domain: Custom

Sets the website domain. CDN Setup

LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > CDN Setup tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > CDN Setup tab.
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This tab allows you to configure the settings for and set up the account.

Set up Account: Custom

Links to the account.


LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > Manage tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: CDN page > Manage tab.
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This tab allows you to manage settings for your CDN provider.

If you're using CDN, visit the link provided on the page.


Allows you configure Cloudflare settings if you're using it.

Development Mode

Allows enabling and checking of the Cloudflare Development Mode.

Cloudflare Cache

Allows you to purge the Cloudflare cache.

Image Optimization

This page allows you to specify image optimization settings.

Note that you need a Domain Key to use these image optimization services. Read more about it.

Image Optimization Summary

LiteSpeed Cache: Image Optimization page > Image Optimization Summary tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Image Optimization page > Image Optimization Summary tab.
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This tab gives an overview of the image optimization services and allows you to perform certain image optimization related actions such as doing a factory reset of all the image optimization changes.

Redetect Optimize images with our server

Allows you to send image optimization requests to the optimization server.

For the initial few requests, only a limited group of images is sent.

Optimization Status

Allows you to clean up unfinished image optimization requests.

Storage Optimization

Allows you to calculate the storage for original images.

Delete all backups of the original images

Allows you to delete backups of the original images.

Be cautious as this action is irreversible.

On the sidebar of the same tab, you have a few boxes showing the overall image optimization summary and more as mentioned below.

Image Information

Shows the information for image groups optimization.

Optimization Summary

Shows the status of total reduction, images pulled, last requested, and last pulled.

Optimization Tools

Allows you to switch between using the unoptimized (original) version and optimized versions of the images.

This affects all images on your site, including the original image format and the WebP version if available.

Destroy All Optimization Data

Allows you to do a factory reset of the image optimization changes.

This will delete all previous image optimization requests and results, revert any completed optimization request, and delete all the optimized image files.

Be cautious as this action is irreversible.

Image Optimization Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Image Optimization page > Image Optimization Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Image Optimization page > Image Optimization Settings tab.
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This tab allows you to configure settings related to images.

Auto Request Cron: On

Allows automating sending of the image optimization requests via cron job for the newly uploaded image files in the WordPress Media Library.

Auto Pull Cron: On

Automatically fetches the optimized images from the LiteSpeed's image server via a cron job.

You will need to manually fetch the optimized images if you disable this setting.

Optimize Original Images: On

Optimizes and saves backups of the original images in the same folder.

Remove Original Backups: Off

Automatically removes the original images after fetching the optimized images.

Be cautious when enabling it will permanently delete the original image backups.

Optimize Losslessly: Off

Uses the lossless image compression method.

This may improve the image quality but will result in large image file sizes.

Preserve EXIF/XMP data: Off

Allows you to keep the EXIF and XMP data of the image files.

Generally, you don't need that data.

Image WebP Replacement: On

Generates WebP versions of the images when optimizing them.

WebP Attribute To Replace: Default

Specifies a list of HTML element attributes, one per line, which should have their original image URL or format to be replaced with WebP format.

WebP For Extra srcset: On

Allows replacement of WebP in srcset attributes that are generated outside of WordPress functionality.

WordPress Image Quality Control: Default

Specifies the default quality to use when compressing the images.

The default value of 82 is fine.

Page Optimization

The wide range of settings listed on this tab are some of the core optimization settings that improve your WordPress site performance.

While these settings can make your site fast and performant, you should thoroughly test everything on the frontend after making any changes on this page.

CSS Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > CSS Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > CSS Settings tab.
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This tab allows you to configure Cascading Style Sheets related settings, such as CSS minification, concatenation, etc.

CSS Minify: On

Minifies or compresses the CSS files and inline CSS code found in the page markup.

CSS Combine: On

Combines or concatenates the CSS files and inline CSS code in the HTML markup.

Ideally, if your site uses minimal and lightweight design (CSS code), enable and test it.

However, if your website has lots of CSS files and/or contains complex stylesheets, you may want to keep the CSS files separated.

In some cases, keeping the CSS files separate may improve the page load speed and experience.

Generate UCSS: Off

Generates unique CSS by removing the unused CSS from each page.

You'll need a Domain Key to use this online optimization service.

UCSS Inline: Off

Adds inline UCSS to reduce the loading of extra CSS files.

CSS Combine External and Inline: On

Includes external CSS and inline CSS in combined file when the CSS Combine setting is enabled.

Load CSS Asynchronously: Off

Loads the CSS asynchronously to improve the CSS loading.

You'll need to set the Domain Key to use this optimization service.


Generates critical CSS per page.

Disabling this will generate CSS per post type instead of per page.

Inline CSS Async Lib: On

Allows inlining of the asynchronous CSS to prevent render-blocking issues.

Font Display Optimization: Swap

Specifies the method to use when loading or displaying the fonts.

The Swap method is recommended which prevents render-blocking issues.

JS Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > JS Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > JS Settings tab.
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This tab allows the optimization of JavaScript on your WordPress site, such as JS concatenation and minification.

JS Minify: On

Compresses or minifies the JavaScript files and inline JS code in the HTML markup code.

JS Combine: On

Concatenates or combines the JavaScript files.

Consider disabling it if you notice longer script execution delays, as splitting JS files may help in certain situations.

If you enable it, consider thoroughly testing your site.

JS Combine External and Inline: On

Includes external and inline JavaScript code when the JS Combine setting is enabled.

Load JS Deferred: Custom

Determines the JavaScript loading method on the page.

The Deferred method executes JS as soon as HTML is loaded.

The Delayed method delays the execution of JS until a user activity is detected on the page (mouse click or pointer movement, for instance).

Ideally, use the Deferred method if it meets your requirements and doesn't cause any site-breaking issues.

Try and only enable the Delayed method if you notice further site performance gains without any issues.

HTML Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > HTML Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > HTML Settings tab.
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This tab allows you to specify HyperText Markup Language related settings such as HTML minification, DNS prefetch, removing Google fonts, etc.

HTML Minify: On

Compresses or minifies the HTML code in the web page.

DNS Prefetch: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of DNS records, one per line, to prefetch.

Ideally, you'd want to add any third-party domain names that should be loaded as soon as the page starts to load to reduce network latency, like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel.

DNS Prefetch Control: On

Allows automatic DNS prefetching of all URLs in the HTML document, such as images, CSS, and JS.

DNS Preconnect: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of DNS records, one line, to preconnect when loading the page to reduce the latency for third-party origins.

HTML Lazy Load Selectors: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of HTML element selectors, one per line, to delay their rendering until they are visible in the viewport.

Remove Query Strings: On

Removes the query strings from internal site assets like CSS or JS.

Load Google Fonts Asynchronously: Off

Loads Google fonts asynchronously by using a web font loader library.

This option also adds a preconnect to Google fonts DNS.

Turn this on if you're using Google fonts, else keep this option disabled.

Remove Google Fonts: On

Removes Google fonts from loading on your website pages.

Generally, it's better to self-host Google fonts by uploading them to your website to reduce third-party network requests.

Turn this on if you're self-hosting the fonts or not using Google fonts.

Remove WordPress Emoji: On

Removes WordPress custom emoji sets.

Disabling this option will render the default emoji of the browser or the device.

Turn this option on if your website has no use of emojis.

Remove Noscript Tags: On

Removes all the <noscript> HTML tags from the page markup.

Media Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Media Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Media Settings tab.
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This tab allows configuration of media and images settings.

Preload Featured Image: On

Loads page or post featured image first before rendering other page content.

This might improve the page speed score and prevent issues like high Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) delays.

Lazy Load Images: On

Defers the loading of images until they are within the user's viewport.

Basic Image Placeholder: Custom

Sets a custom image placeholder to use for images while they are being loaded.

By default, LiteSpeed Cache plugin includes a gray image placeholder as mentioned on the page.

Responsive Placeholder: On

Uses responsive image placeholders for images until they are loaded.

This helps prevent CLS issues.

Responsive Placeholder SVG: Default

Specifies an SVG placeholder to use for the responsive placeholder for images.

Responsive Placeholder Color: Default

Specifies the color for the responsive placeholder SVG.

The default color is fine, unless you want to define a custom if you want to make it more in line with your brand or website color scheme.

LQIP Cloud Generator: Off

Uses service to generate a responsive low-quality image placeholder (LQIP) for images while they are loading.

Turn this on if you're using services or want to generate LQIP versions of website images.

LQIP Quality: Default

Specifies the quality of LQIP images.

The acceptable range of values is between 1 and 20.

The default value of 4 is fine.

LQIP Minimum Dimensions: Default

Specifies the minimum dimensions for LQIP images.

Generate LQIP In Background: On

Generates LQIP images in the background via a cron job.

Lazy Load Iframes: On

Defers loading of inline frames (HTML iframe) until they are within the viewport.

Add Missing Sizes: On

Sets missing width and height attributes to image elements.

This helps in reducing page layout shifts to improve the CLS core web vital.


LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > VPI tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > VPI tab.
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This tab contains settings for viewport images - the ones which appear above the fold.

Note that this tab uses the services.

Viewport Images: On

Loads all viewport images eagerly (prevents lazy loading).

This is good for above-the-fold images as it helps prevent content layout shifts and delays in painting the largest content images.

Viewport Images Cron: On

Generates viewport images via a cron job in the background.

Media Excludes

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Media Excludes tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Media Excludes tab.
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This tab allows you to specify media excludes.

Generally, you don't need to change anything here.

Lazy Load Image Excludes: Custom

Specifies a list of images as full URLs or partial strings, one per line, to exclude them from lazy loading.

Lazy Load Image Class Name Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of class names of image elements, one per line, to exclude from lazy load.

Lazy Load Image Parent Class Name Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of class names of parent HTML elements of images, one per line, to prevent lazy loading.

Lazy Load Iframe Class Name Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of iframe class names, one per line, to prevent lazy loading.

Lazy Load Iframe Parent Class Name Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify a list of parent HTML elements of iframes, one per line, to exclude from lazy loading.

Lazy Load URI Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify URLs, one per line, to exclude from lazy loading.

LQIP Excludes: Custom

Allows you to specify URL of image files, one per line, to exclude them from generating their LQIP version.


LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Localization tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Localization tab.
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On this tab, you can configure various localization settings such as caching Gravatar, localizing third-party resources, and so on.

You may leave the settings on this page as-is as there's nothing much to do here.

Gravatar Cache: Off

Stores Gravatar locally to accelerate the website speed.

Turn this on if your website uses Gravatars.

Gravatar Cache Cron: Off

Refreshes Gravatar cache via a cron job.

Turn this on if your site uses Gravatars.

Gravatar Cache TTL: Default

Specifies the TTL for Gravatar cache.

The default value is fine if you're using Gravatars and its caching.

Localize Resources: Off

Allows you to store external assets such as third-party CSS or JS by downloading them locally on your web server or website.

This helps reduce network requests but may result in bugs if the third-party resource is updated frequently or so.

I'd personally advise leaving this setting disabled unless you are sure this won't cause any issues.

Localization Files: Custom

Allows you to specify which third-party resources are localized by specifying the resource URL, one per line.

Tuning - JS

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Tuning tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Tuning tab.
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The Tuning tab allows you to tweak various JavaScript settings such as excluding certain JS files from delaying or minification.

Generally, you may not need to add or update anything here.

However, if you notice some specific third-party script not working, for example, consider adding it on this page in the relevant exclude section.

JS Delayed Includes: Custom

Specifies which JS files or JS code, one per line, should always be delayed.

JS Excludes: Custom

Specifies which JS files or inline JS script code, one per line, should never be minified or combined.

By default, LiteSpeed Cache adds jQuery library and its minified version to this list as it is a commonly used library by many themes and plugins.

JS Deferred / Delayed Excludes: Custom

Specifies which JavaScript files or inline JavaScript code, one per line, should never be deferred or delayed.

By default, WP LS Cache plugin adds jQuery JS library, its minified bundle, and Google Analytics library, and Google Tag Manager JS library to this list as they are commonly used on many websites.

Guest Mode JS Excludes: Custom

Specifies which JS files or inline JS code, one per line, should never be optimized (minified or combined) by the Guest Mode.

URI Excludes: Custom

Specifies which pages or URLs, one per line, should never be optimized.

Optimize for Guests Only: On

Allows optimizing of pages only for guest users, not logged in users.

This helps prevent redundant generation of CSS and JS files for each logged in user or user group, saving website disk space and resources.

Role Excludes: Default

Specifies which user roles or groups should be excluded from optimization.

The defaults are fine as no user role should be excluded from optimization.

Tuning - CSS

LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Tuning - CSS tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Page Optimization page > Tuning - CSS tab.
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The Tuning for CSS tab allows you to tweak various Cascading Style Sheets related options just like the JS tuning tab above.

Usually, you don't need to configure anything here as long as your website is working or looking correct after enabling CSS optimizations.

CSS Excludes: Custom

Specifies which Cascading Style Sheets or inline CSS code, one per line, should never be optimized (compressed or concatenated).

UCSS File Excludes and Inline: Custom

Specifies which CSS files, one per line, should be excluded from UCSS and instead added as inline code in the HTML code.

UCSS Selector Allowlist: Custom

Specifies which CSS selectors (IDs or classes), one per line, should always be included in the UCSS.

UCSS URI Excludes: Custom

Specifies which pages or URLs, one per line, should not generate UCSS.

Separate CCSS Cache Post Types: Custom

Allows you to specify post types, one per line, to have their own critical CSS generated.

Separate CCSS Cache URIs: Custom

Allows you to specify pages or URLs, one per line, to have their own critical CSS generated.

Critical CSS Rules: Custom

Specifies the critical CSS rules for above-the-fold content when using the Load CSS Asynchronously option.


The Database page gives you various tools and settings for purging content on your WordPress site which is no longer needed or safe to delete, such as expired database transients.

Manage (Database)

LiteSpeed Cache: Database page > Manage tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Database page > Manage tab.
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From this tab, you can execute 1-click cleanup tasks for your WordPress database and its tables.

Database Optimizer

In this section, you may use one of the options to safely clean up your WordPress database, such as deleting spam comments, removing expired WordPress transients, and more.

Clean All

Allows you to clean up the entire WordPress database by performing all the listed individual cleanup options in one go.

Note that this option will not execute the Optimize Tables and Clean CSS/JS Optimizer tasks.

Post Revisions

Deletes all post revisions.

Auto Drafts

Removes drafts of all posts.

Trashed Posts

Cleans up all trashed posts and pages.

Spam Comments

Deletes all spam comments.

Trashed Comment

Removes all trashed comments.


Cleans all trackbacks and pingbacks.

Expired Transients

Removes all expired transients.

All Transients

Deletes all transients whether expired or not.

Optimize Tables

Optimizes all tables in the WordPress database.

Database Table Engine Converter

Honestly, I haven't noticed anything listed in this section and its usage so far.

You may safely ignore this.

Database Summary

This section shows a summary of your WordPress database and its tables, such as the autoload entries and their size.

DB Optimization Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Database page > DB Optimization Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Database page > DB Optimization Settings tab.
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On this tab, you can tweak certain settings when using the Database cleanup tools such as the maximum number of revisions to keep during the cleanup.

Revisions Max Number: Default

Specifies the maximum number of revisions to keep during the cleanup process.

The default value of 0 is fine, unless you need to keep some revisions like 2 or 3.

Revisions Max Age: Default

Specifies revisions to keep newer than the specified day(s) when cleaning up.

The default value of 0 is fine.


The LiteSpeed Cache Crawler page allows you to configure the LS Cache crawler that runs through your WordPress site.

The LS Cache Crawler goes through all your site pages with expired caches and refreshes them.


LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Summary tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Summary tab.
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This tab gives you an overview of the crawler status such as the server load, cron names and their crawling status, and so on.

Crawler Cron

Allows you to monitor the progress and status of various crawlers on your website.

Watch Crawler Status

Allows you to monitor the detailed status of each crawler if you've opted to watch the crawler status.


LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Map tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Map tab.
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This tab shows URLs currently in the crawler map and allows you to clean or refresh the crawler map.


LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Blocklist tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Blocklist tab.
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This tab allows you to see a list of all the URLs in the blocklist and remove them if needed.

You can also empty the entire blocklist using the Empty Blocklist button.

General Settings (Crawler)

LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > General Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > General Settings tab.
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This tab allows you to configure different LiteSpeed Cache Crawler settings.

Crawler: Off

Allows you to enable the WP LS Cache crawler cron.

Enable it if you need it.

Delay: Default

Sets the delay, in microseconds, between each crawl request on your website.

Run Duration: Default

Specifies the time, in seconds, for the duration of each crawl cron.

Interval Between Runs: Default

Specifies the time interval, in seconds, for each crawl break time before running again.

Crawl Interval: Default

Specifies after how much time, in seconds, the crawler should restart the crawling process of the site.

Threads: Default

Specifies how many threads to use while crawling the site.

The default value of 3 is fine to prevent high load on the server.

Timeout: Default

Sets the crawler timeout delay for each URL or page, in seconds, before crawling the next URL or page.

Server Load Limit: Default

Sets the server load limit after which the crawling process should be terminated.

This is to ensure the crawler doesn't hog the entire server resources.

The default value of 1 is ideal for a 2-cores web server.

Simulation Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Simulation Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Simulation Settings tab.
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This tab allows you to run the crawler in simulation mode by crawling the site as a specific user role or with a specified cookie.

By default, the crawler on your site runs as a guest user (not logged in).

Role Simulation: Custom

Specifies the user IDs, one per line, to crawl the site as.

Cookie Simulation: Custom

Allows you to specify cookies which the crawler uses to crawl the site as.

Sitemap Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Sitemap Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Crawler page > Sitemap Settings tab.
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From this tab, you can specify your website sitemaps the crawler should use to crawl your site and other related settings.

Custom Sitemap: Custom

Specifies which XML sitemap URLs, one per line, the crawler should use to crawl your site.

Drop Domain from Sitemap: On

Allows you to save database storage space by dropping the site domain name after parsing the sitemap.

If you're using multiple domains for one website, consider disabling it so the crawler goes through every domain.

Sitemap Timeout: Default

Specifies the timeout, in seconds, while parsing the sitemap.


The LiteSpeed Cache Toolbox provides several tools and settings for purging site cache, configuring the WordPress Heartbeat, viewing logs, opting in to use the beta version of LS Cache, and other similar options.

Purge (Toolbox)

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Purge tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Purge tab.
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This tab allows you to purge different kinds of caches, such as the built-in page cache, cache for static assets like JS or CSS, and more.


In this section, you can use one of the 1-click options to clear different types of site caches.

Purge Front Page

Purges the website's front-page cache.

Purge Pages

Purges the cache for all site pages.

Purge 403 Error

Purges the cache for all 403 error pages.

Purge 404 Error

Purges the cache for all 404 error pages.

Purge 500 Error

Purges 500 error pages cache only.

Purge All - LSCache

Clears cache entries created by the LSCache for WordPress plugin.

Purge All - CSS/JS Cache

Removes caches for all minified or combined CSS and JS.

Purge All

Deletes all cache entries created by the LiteSpeed Cache plugin except for critical CSS, unique CSS, and LQIP image caches.

Empty Entire Cache

Deletes all cache entries of the current site, including other web applications.

The LSCWP documentation advises to only use this option if things are incorrectly cached on your website as it will put load on the site to cache everything again.

Purge By...

Allows you to purge by either category, post ID, tag, or URL.

You can enter, for instance, the category slugs in the text box, one per line, to clear their cache.

Import / Export

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Import / Export tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Import / Export tab.
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The import and export tab of this plugin provides you with the ability to easily export your entire LiteSpeed Cache settings and save them as a file.

You can then import that settings file into a fresh WordPress website to quickly restore all the saved settings.

Furthermore, you can also do a complete factory reset of all the LiteSpeed Cache settings in case something is wrong or if you'd like to start afresh.

Export Settings

Allows you to export the current WordPress LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings as a file which you can download on your PC for future use.

Import Settings

Allows you to import existing WP LS Cache plugin settings from a saved settings file.

Note that this will override any existing LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings you may have on the current site.

Reset All Settings

Resets all the LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings to factory defaults.

Be cautious when using this option as it's not reversible.

View .htaccess

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > View .htaccess tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > View .htaccess tab.
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This tab allows you to view your website htaccess file and its related info.

.htaccess Path

Shows you the frontend and backend paths of your site's .htaccess file.

Current .htaccess Contents

Displays the contents of your WordPress htaccess file.


LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Heartbeat tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Heartbeat tab.
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On this tab, you can configure the WordPress heartbeat settings.

Be careful when changing its settings or disabling the Heartbeat as it may cause WordPress tasks triggered by AJAX to stop functioning.

Frontend Heartbeat Control: Off

Allows controlling the WP Heartbeat on the frontend.

Frontend Heartbeat TTL: Default

Specifies the frontend Heartbeat TTL, in seconds, when using the Frontend Heartbeat Control option.

The default value of 60 seconds is fine.

Setting it to 0 will disable this Heartbeat.

Backend Heartbeat Control: Off

Allows controlling the WordPress Heartbeat in WP Admin dashboard.

Backend Heartbeat TTL: Default

Specifies the backend Heartbeat time to live, in seconds, when using the Backend Heartbeat Control option.

The default value of 60 seconds is fine.

Setting it to 0 will disable this Heartbeat.

Editor Heartbeat: Off

Allows controlling the WP Heartbeat in WordPress backend editor.

Editor Heartbeat TTL: Default

Specifies the editor Heartbeat time-to-live (TTL), in seconds, when using the Editor Heartbeat option.

The default value of 15 seconds is fine.

Setting it to 0 will disable this Heartbeat.


LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Report tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Report tab.
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This tab allows you to view and share some of your web server and site technical information with the LiteSpeed support team in case you run into any issues or such when using LSCache.

LiteSpeed Report

This section shows your website system info and LiteSpeed report number and date, among other things.

System Information

Shows detailed information about the WordPress configuration and environment of your website.

Use the Send to LiteSpeed button to send the site system information to the LiteSpeed support team.

Passwordless Link

Allows you to generate a passwordless link for the current logged-in user to be sent with the report.

Note that you must first install the DoLogin Security WordPress plugin to generate a passwordless link for LiteSpeed support team access.


Allows you to provide any additional information to be included in the report.

Debug Settings

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Debug Settings tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Debug Settings tab.
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The various debug settings on this tab allow you to instantly disable any or all LiteSpeed Cache settings for your WordPress for site testing or debugging purposes.

Debug Helpers

This section allows you to view your site before optimization or before cache by clicking on the relevant buttons.

View Site Before Optimization

Allows you to view the site by turning off all the LiteSpeed Cache optimization settings.

This option adds a ?LSCWP_CTRL=before_optm query string to the URL which turns off all the plugin optimization settings.

View Site Before Cache

Allows you to view the site by disabling the cache of LiteSpeed Cache.

This option adds a ?LSCWP_CTRL=NOCACHE query string to the URL which fetches a fresh version of the page without cache.

Debug Settings

This section provides several options related to debugging.

Disable All Features: Off

Disables all LiteSpeed Cache optimization features for debug or test purposes.

Debug Log: Off

Allows to enable the debug log.

It saves the debug file as debug.log in the WordPress wp-content directory.

Note that if your site is functioning as expected, you should keep this option disabled to prevent the redundant disk space usage by the debug log file.

Admin IPs: Custom

Allows you to specify admin IP addresses, one per line, which can perform certain actions from their browsers.

Debug Level: Custom

Specifies the level of information to be logged in the debug log file.

The Basic option logs general information.

The Advanced option logs more detailed information.

Log File Size Limit: Custom

Sets the maximum file size limit of the log file.

Log Cookies: Custom

Allows logging of the requested cookie values in the log file.

Collapse Query Strings: Custom

Shortens the query strings in the log file to improve its readability.

Debug URI Includes: Custom

Allows you to limit logging of the specified URLs only, one per line.

Debug URI Excludes: Custom

Allows you to prevent logging of the specified URLs, one per line.

Debug String Excludes: Custom

Allows you to exclude logging of the log entries which contain the specified strings, one per line.

Log View

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Log View tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Log View tab.
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From this tab, you can view or clear various debug logs, such as purge or crawler logs.

Debug Log

Shows the LiteSpeed Cache debug logs.

Purge Log

Shows the WP LSC purge log.

Crawler Log

Shows the LS Cache Crawler logs.

Clear Logs

Clears all the log entries.

Beta Test

LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Beta Test tab.
LiteSpeed Cache: Toolbox page > Beta Test tab.
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This tab allows you to participate in the beta versions of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin.

You can try and test various versions, including the latest GitHub Dev commit or latest WordPress release version, or downgrade to previous versions.

Simply enter the specific version number or GitHub commit and then click on the Upgrade button to switch between versions.

Use latest GitHub Dev commit

Uses the most recent commit in the development branch of the LiteSpeed Cache GitHub repository.

This may be experimental and is not recommended for production sites.

Use latest GitHub Master commit

Uses the most recent commit in the master branch of the LS Cache GitHub repository.

This is usually a candidate for later public release and safe to use on production sites.

Use latest WordPress release version

Uses the official current release of LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin.

You can use this to stop testing beta versions and go back to the latest version of the WordPress LS Cache plugin.

Apart from these 3 options, you may also downgrade to older versions as listed on the page, such as to, 5.6, 5.51, and so on.

Avoid downgrading to versions which are not recommended and marked in red color as they may cause fatal errors due to major code refactoring or changes.

Wrapping Up

That's everything you needed to know about LiteSpeed Cache.

In this complete guide to LiteSpeed Cache WordPress plugin settings, we saw all the options available in the LiteSpeed Cache WP plugin, which options you need to configure and their recommended settings to get the highest optimization for your WordPress website.

I hope you find this article helpful and are able to set up the LiteSpeed Cache plugin properly without facing any issues.

And if you found this guide helpful, I'd highly appreciate you sharing this with others.

If you believe I missed a point or anything, let me know.

Refer below to the FAQs or additional resources section if you'd like to gain more insights about LiteSpeed Cache by LiteSpeed Technologies.

Getting Help with Configuring LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress Plugin

If you don't have the time to manually install the LiteSpeed Cache plugin and configure it or need help with a particular setting or anything related, feel free to contact me via my email at [email protected].

I'll help you install LiteSpeed Cache and apply the recommended settings to optimize your WordPress installation for the best possible speed outcome.

You can also get in touch with me on various social media platforms (see my social media links below).

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding LSCache for WordPress

How do I set LiteSpeed Cache?

To set LiteSpeed Cache for your WordPress website, follow the above guide.

How do I optimize LiteSpeed?

Follow the above guide to optimize LiteSpeed Cache with the right settings for your WP site.

Should I use LiteSpeed Cache?

LiteSpeed Cache is one of the major site optimization plugins for WordPress websites.

If you're not using any other optimization plugins, you should use LiteSpeed Cache to get speed optimization benefits for your website.

And if your website is already running on one of the LiteSpeed web servers, then it makes even more sense to use it to get maximum benefits of LiteSpeed server caching and more.

How do I reset my LiteSpeed Cache settings?

Resetting your LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings is quite easy.

Simply go to WP admin dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > Toolbox page > Import / Export tab > Reset All Settings section.

Then, click on the Reset Settings button to completely reset the plugin settings to factory defaults.

Alternatively, see the Import / Export section of this guide above to learn more about resetting LiteSpeed Cache settings.

How do I know if LiteSpeed Cache is working?

There are a few ways to check if LiteSpeed Cache is working for your site.

The quickest way is to use the official LSCache Check tool by the LiteSpeed team.

Alternatively, you can also check for the presence of the x-litespeed-cache response header using the browser developer tools.

This header also confirms if the web page was successfully cached or not.

How do I manually clear the LiteSpeed cache?

To manually clear LiteSpeed cache, navigate to LiteSpeed Cache > Toolbox page > Purge tab > Purge section.

Then, click on the Empty Entire Cache button to completely clear the LiteSpeed cache of your website.

Alternatively, refer to the Purge (Toolbox) section of this guide above to learn how to clear the LiteSpeed cache.

How do I disable cache in LiteSpeed options?

To disable the cache of LiteSpeed, go to WP admin backend > LiteSpeed Cache > Cache page > Cache tab > Cache Control Settings section.

Then, turn off the Enable Cache setting to disable the LiteSpeed cache.

Alternatively, see the Cache section above to learn more about disabling cache in LiteSpeed options.

What is the benefit of LiteSpeed Cache?

Apart from a powerful caching solution, LiteSpeed Cache offers many other benefits such as optimizing website assets like JavaScript, CSS, images, fonts, and HTML.

You can also leverage the services to further optimize your website images by lazily loading them, adding WebP support, generating low-quality image placeholders, among other image optimization benefits.

LiteSpeed Cache also allows you to quickly and safely optimize your WordPress website database and its tables.

These are some of the major benefits of using LiteSpeed Cache.

Read the above article to learn more about the advantages of using LiteSpeed Cache.

How do I optimize images in LiteSpeed?

To optimize images in LiteSpeed Cache, you must first obtain a Domain Key from the website by going to the WordPress dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > General page > General Settings tab > General Settings section.

Then, click on the Request Domain Key button to request a Domain Key.

After getting approved and obtaining the Domain Key, head over to WP dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > Image Optimization page to configure various image optimization settings.

Also see the WP dashboard > LiteSpeed Cache > Page Optimization page > Media Settings and VPI tabs for additional image optimization settings.

Alternatively, read the article above for optimizing images in LiteSpeed Cache.

Does LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress work with OpenLiteSpeed?

Yes, LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress works with OpenLiteSpeed. Read more about it here.

Additional Resources to Use the LiteSpeed Cache WordPress Plugin

If you'd like to dive deeper into LiteSpeed Cache specifics and technical info, refer to the following links.


    Danial Zahid's headshot.

    About Danial Zahid

    I'm a self-taught web developer passionate about everything related to websites and web development. Over the past years, I've explored and worked with different web technologies and tools, notably WordPress, Eleventy, npm, and Gulp.js, to name a few.

    In addition, I've created and currently maintain several open-source projects, including web apps, widgets, websites, and more.

    When I'm not writing content for W3Things or doing web development work, I enjoy my free time by playing games or listening to podcasts.

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